From the course: Learning Underwater Photography
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Housings - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Learning Underwater Photography
- [Deke] In this movie, we're going to discuss underwater housings, which protect your camera from the harsh elements and keep it dry, as well. Alright, so Hergen, tell us some of the things that housings do. - [Hergen] Well, the primary purpose of the housing is of course to keep the camera, lens, and other elements inside, dry. What it's also going to do is going to allow us access to those buttons, dials, and also the viewfinder and, or your LCDs, so we can see what we're doing and other key camera functions as well. - [Deke] And so these things tend to get very complicated, as we're about to see, to pretty much provide you access to every single control that your camera offers. - [Hergen] So these housings also usually provide attachment points, and also the triggering systems for our artificial lights. - [Deke] And we're going to see what both of those things look like in just a moment. - [Hergen] And one of the biggest things is they allow for the attachment of interchangeable…