From the course: Learning Underwater Photography

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Adjusting LED torches

Adjusting LED torches

- [Instructor] All right now let's wrap things up by taking a look at how you adjust the amount of light coming out of an LED torch which currently is a manual prospect. - [Instructor] The adjustability of an LED torch really varies by manufacturer. Some of them will let you adjust the power by one percent increments, some of them allow more general 25, 50, 75, or simply on and off. As with when you're shooting strobes on manual, each strobe is going to need to be adjusted individually as opposed to TTL where the camera will send a signal to both strobes telling them what power to set themselves on. With LED torches, you're going to need to tell each torch what power level you want to set it on. - [Instructor] All right but now one of the advantages here is that you can actually see what you're doing as you work which as we mentioned is known by the acronym WYSIWYG which stands for what you see is what you get. - [Instructor] Absolutely, one of the benefits of continuous light is that…
