From the course: Learning Terraform

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Your Terraform code repo

Your Terraform code repo - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

Your Terraform code repo

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we'll be setting up a GitHub Repo that will hold our Terraform code. There's a great introductory course on LinkedIn Learning for how to use GitHub for exercise files. We won't be using advanced GitHub features, so even if you've never used it, you should still be able to follow along. To get started, there should be a link under the video you're watching now that says Get Files. It'll look like this. And I'll illustrate using this exercise files course. So you click on the link, then you go up here to Fork, and you set yourself as the owner, set the repository name. And for this course, you actually want to uncheck that box, 'cause we want to copy all the branches for our course. I'm not going to create this fork 'cause I've already created one. This is about what our repository will look like for this course. There's a main branch here, and there's a branch for each of the different lessons, and each of these will contain the solutions for that…
