From the course: Learning Terraform

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Terraform registry: Providers

Terraform registry: Providers - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

Terraform registry: Providers

- [Instructor] In this lesson and the next one, we are going to look at the Terraform registry. So to start, go to Now this site provides some modules, which we'll look at in the next lesson, but we're going to start with providers. We've been using the AWS provider throughout this course, but there are other providers available for all the major cloud platforms. So let's click into providers, and you'll see the major ones are highlighted here. So let's click into AWS. The main reason I want to look at this is to highlight the documentation that's available here. So let's click into the documentation. This is where you can find very detailed documentation and examples of how to work with AWS using Terraform. Some of our starter code was more or less pulled directly from the examples here. Now, one confusing thing about these docs is that they're organized by AWS service, which don't always have intuitive names or organization. If you look through this list on…
