From the course: Learning Terraform

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How Terraform works

How Terraform works - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

How Terraform works

- [Instructor] At first glance what Terraform does might not seem that complex. You're able to write some code to define some cloud resources, run a program, and it goes out and makes those things happen. So what makes Terraform different from a simple script that calls out to the AWS API? Terraform lets you define your infrastructure as code and gives you a lot of flexibility in how you do that because you can freely use data from one resource to define another. In a non Terraform script, you might deploy a couple of web servers and a load balancer. If you want to add those to a new security group to function as a firewall, your script would need to call out to AWS, retrieve and process information describing those resources, and then take action to define your security group. With Terraform, that kind of sharing of data is trivial. Your code can define resources based on the definitions of other resources even if they don't exist yet. That last point is critical. Terraform figures…
