From the course: Learning Terraform

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Cleaning up: Terraform destroy

Cleaning up: Terraform destroy - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Learning Terraform

Cleaning up: Terraform destroy

- [Instructor] Since we're working with real Cloud resources, we should be sure to clean up to avoid paying for AWS resources that aren't being used. The great thing about Terraform is that we can freely delete all of the infrastructure we've defined and still deploy it later from the same code. So, you'll be able to come back to this code if you like and start again. To delete our dev environment here, we'll start by going to the Settings page and go down to Destruction and Deletion. There's a toggle here if we want to allow Destroy plans which is what we want to do and we want to run this Manually destroy. There's actually an explanation of how to do that from the command line as well. So, we'll click Queue destroy plan, and this brings up a warning and this is a good time to make sure... If you're running anything else that isn't related to this course, make sure you're deleting the right thing. So, we just enter our workspace name and click Queue destroy plan. This will take a…
