From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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See SnowflakeDB queries

See SnowflakeDB queries - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

See SnowflakeDB queries

- [Instructor] We've learned that SnowflakeDB separates the control planes for maximum control and scalability. And of course, in a database, you have to have data. So in order to understand this, we're going to actually just explore with some of the sample data first and then learn how to load data into our SnowflakeDB free trial instance. Before we do that though, we need to review the object hierarchy. So the way SnowflakeDB works is tables belong to schemas. Schemas are a logical grouping of database objects, tables, views, et cetera. Each schema belongs to a single database. So schema belongs to a database which belongs to an account. At the level of an account, you have a number of objects, user, role, warehouse, resource monitor, integration, and of course database. So you can think of schema as the glue that connects the account level objects to the table and subsequent level objects. So external table view…
