From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Scenario: Secure data on SnowflakeDB

Scenario: Secure data on SnowflakeDB - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Scenario: Secure data on SnowflakeDB

- [Instructor] As with the other sections of this course I've added key links to my associated GitHub repo. And I want to highlight some of them here. First from the Snowflake documentation they have an excellent summary of security features that are available in this section here, the Summary of Security Features. And you're going to want to secure in-depth across all these different domains. And this is going to help you also select your edition. So you can see some security features, for example, around network inside access are only available in business critical, or enterprise editions. And you want to make sure in your security planning that you address all these different categories. So, you know, we looked at users, for example, we didn't look too much at a rollback based security. Again, I have links to that. Some customers do have requirements around that, and that is implementable here. So, if you do, you're going…
