From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Load SnowflakeDB using web UI

Load SnowflakeDB using web UI - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Load SnowflakeDB using web UI

- [Instructor] So that we can understand from scratch, I'm just going to use the classic web UI and create a database. So I'm going to call this, this_db and notice that it has the sequel there and I'm going to click finish. So I could grant privileges to it, I could clone, drop or transfer ownership if I click into it. Now, if I want to create a table, let's call it my table. And notice that it's associated to the public schema, which is provided by default. And then I can add columns, so column one is a string column two, I have these data types available so you notice integer, timestamp, double, number, variable character, date, float, variant. That's very important, the variant data type that's where you are going to get all your JSON capability, object, array and boolean. So I'll just throw an int in here, notice nullability which is the only constraint that will be enforced. You can note other constraints in your…
