From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Learn SnowflakeDB file ingest

Learn SnowflakeDB file ingest - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Learn SnowflakeDB file ingest

- [Instructor] So to get data into Snowflake DB Storage, which of course you'll remember is going to be Cloud Object Storage. So let's just go with the case of AWS, it would be S3. It's literally going to be stored on cloud buckets but you don't see that of course that's obstructed away from you. It's scalable and available because it is stored as object storage on your particular cloud vendor. It's encrypted by default, it's compressed and autopartitioned. And again, I'll be drilling in and giving you some resources so you can better understand it's in 16 megabyte, micro partitions which leads to very extremely high query efficiency and storage efficiency automatically. And this is a differentiator from some of the other platforms out there, some of 'em are autopartition and some of 'em you have to manually partition which frankly is a pain and often done wrong, so it's a compelling and very useful feature. And this is…
