From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Learn SnowflakeDB authentication and authorization

Learn SnowflakeDB authentication and authorization - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Learn SnowflakeDB authentication and authorization

- [Instructor] The next area we're going to look at is in terms of authentication and authorization. So we're going to look in Snowsight at Roles. Now, in terms of roles, you have roles the account is set up with like ACCOUNTADMIN and you can also create roles. So I did create a role here just quick like by just clicking the plus sign, and then it's called MY_ROLE. And so I just gave it permissions associated. And kind of an interesting view here, if I move this around you can see this is associated to the ACCOUNTADMIN, has one user associated to it. And you can then grant the permissions associated to the role to a specific user. Interesting interface. So in terms of users, I also created a user, created a user called Fred Langit there by just clicking here and filling this out. And then I filled out the advanced options. So you can select a default role, which I created that role. You can select a default warehouse,…
