From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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- [Lynn] We've really just scratched the surface of all that you can do with Snowflake DB, so if you, like me, are wanting to learn more, let's learn together, so here are a bunch of resources. On the top of this is my associated GitHub repo, which I have for basically all my LinkedIn Learning courses, and I'll be actively updating as I continue to work with customers on my professional consultancy, and I encourage you to contribute. In addition, top resources are the associated user guide, the Awesome Snowflake DB link list, and the Medium blog for the Snowflake DB company, and again, just jumping out to my GitHub. This is organized around my course, so the sections of the course are the folders in the GitHub, and as I continue to find valuable resources, I will add them here. Thanks for listening in. I'm Lynn Langit.
