From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Implement SnowflakeDB policies

Implement SnowflakeDB policies - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Implement SnowflakeDB policies

- [Instructor] In addition to session information in the account section of the classic console, in terms of security another aspect that you would generally be using any sort of production situation, and I just basically made a fake one for demonstration, is policies. So you would restrict, typically, your mission critical data behind multiple policies. And it's just, again, pretty straightforward to create. You give a name, an allowed IP address blocked, and comment if you want. And so, here I have a policy and then when you create it you have to take the step of activating it. So if I activate this policy, then this policy is now active and then I can deactivate the policy if I want to as well. And you can see the information here. Now, this is an object that you can also see on Snow site. So if I go over to Security and I go back to Policies and I just refresh this, of course, I activated it and deactivated it so if I could…
