From the course: Learning Python

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Working with JSON data

Working with JSON data - Python Tutorial

From the course: Learning Python

Working with JSON data

- [Instructor] In this example, we're going to take what we learned in the previous video to see how to use Python, to connect to a Real-time JSON data feed and process the information. JSON stands for the JavaScript Object Notation, and you'll run into this a lot when you're working with data from various different sources on the internet. The data feed that we're going to be using is the US Geological Surveys Earthquakes Data Feed, and I have their homepage open here. You can see here that the earthquake data feed is provided by the USGS, and they provide the feed in a variety of formats. So they have ATOM, and they've got Google Earth KML, they provide JSON. And if you click on this link right here, that GeoJSON Summary Feed, then you'll get this page. And this describes the format of the JavaScript object that comes back from the data feed. So if you scroll down a little bit, you can see that there's information…
