From the course: Learning Python

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Variables and expressions

Variables and expressions - Python Tutorial

From the course: Learning Python

Variables and expressions

- [Instructor] All right now, let's take a look at how the Python language works with variables and data types. So in my editor, I'm going to open up the variables_start file. And there are five major data types in Python. There are numbers such as integers and floating point values. Strings, which are a collection of characters. Boolean values, which can be either true or false. Sequence types, such as lists and a data type called tuples which are immutable. I mean, the can't be changed. And dictionaries, which map unique keys to specific values. And so you can see here, I have defined a set of variables that represent each of these data types. And I have a set of print statements that print each of these values. So before we do anything else, let's just go ahead and run what we already have. So I'll right click and choose run Python file in terminal. And remember if you're not using VS code, you can just run…
