From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Using strobe through diffuser

Using strobe through diffuser

- A speedlight is also a great way to relive your assistant. In the studio here, I've got my diffuser set up on a stand and I've also got the speedlight set up on a stand. These help me to have the regularity and consistency that I don't get outdoors because things are changing. One of the things we need to not change when we're using a speedlight is its distance from our subject. If we bring it closer to the person, the light is brighter. If we bring it farther back, it's darker. And so, we need it to be the same so that between pictures the exposure isn't changing. So using an inexpensive stand is a great way to go. This whole setup, besides this, in the studio we're using quite a heavy-duty stand for the diffuser, besides that heavy-duty stand everything else here can be had pretty inexpensively and get you a complete kit that you can use to create great light with a speedlight. Let's talk real briefly about some of the settings you need to use in your camera when you're using a…
