From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Using practical lights

Using practical lights

- Using a reflector outdoors in sunlight or the diffuser, those are great ways to make pictures. But when we go indoors, after the sun has gone down, we still need to be able to make a good picture of somebody. And there are so many great opportunities using indoor lighting to make a portrait. So let's look at some of those ideas. Because indoor lights are so much less bright than the sun, we usually need to move them closer to our subject in order to get enough brightness for the exposure. You know, in order to have a shutter speed that will freeze our movement and our subject's movement. So don't be shy to ask to move a lamp. As long as I clean up after myself, I've never been turned down. I can always move a lamp indoors and that allows me to get the light into the right place to make a good portrait. Your camera can make adjustments for the different colors of light that we encounter when we're making pictures. But, it can only make adjustments for one color of light at a time so…
