From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Using a longer lens

Using a longer lens

- If you're going to be photographing people, I recommend using a long lens, a telephoto lens. That's something that's at least 50 millimeters long. And the reason for this is twofold really. It allows us to get a shallower depth of field, make the background out of focus, and it's also more flattering on our subjects. When I use wider angle lens, something 50 millimeters or wider, I am increasing the effect of foreshortening. That means that things that are closer to the camera appear larger, and things that are farther from the camera appear smaller, that's foreshortening. When I use that wide lens and I want to do a closeup picture of somebody, that means that their nose is significantly closer to the camera then their ear, for instance, and it makes the nose look very large. It makes foreheads look very bulbous and round. It makes cheeks look more full and fleshy than they actually look in real life. So I want to use a longer lens which allows me to stand back from a person a…
