From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Positioning your subject

Positioning your subject

- Let's discuss a few ways to help people look best in just about any portrait. This isn't a full class on posing. You should refer to the library to find more posing classes. But these simple principles will get you started in just about any portrait situation. So first of all, what I'd have Kristy do is turn her body away from the light. We generally don't want to have shoulders really square to the camera. Would you square up for us real quick. When we square up, we're showing our entire body toward the camera and it looks bigger and few people want to look bigger. Maybe some football players or something, but in this case, let's turn most people away from the light and then we'll bring their faces back toward the light. There you go. And so the simple contrast in twisting their body and their face helps us to present ourselves a little bit more slimly toward the camera. We look, generally, skinnier when we position ourselves this way. And I'd make a picture right here. And then…
