From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Keeping the shoot moving

Keeping the shoot moving

- So, let's talk about a few ideas to help keep the shoot moving and keep things flowing, and this will help your subject feel more confidence in you as a photographer as well. First of all, if you've got a good picture already in the camera, or if you're not getting a good picture, if you keep shooting and something just isn't working, it's time to move on. You need to do something different. You can do a few things, you can change the location, go to a different background, find a different color, a different texture, a different depth of background. Change the location and that will help you see the picture with fresh eyes, and it will help your subject to feel like progress is being made. Next, you can also change the clothes. People often bring a change of shirt or a jacket, take off a tie, add a hat, add a pin, change earrings, changing the clothes and accessories makes it feel like we're making progress in pictures too. If nothing else, you need to change the pose. You could…
