From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Essential tips for speed lights

Essential tips for speed lights

- Using available lights indoors can be really fun, but sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes I can't move the light. Or sometimes I need to photograph more than one person. In this case, using a speedlight is a great way to augment the light available in a room. Some tips about a speedlight. First of all, I think you should always use it off your camera. Now we're not going into depth on speedlights in this course. But there are other courses like my Nikon and Cannon introductory classes for speedlights, as well as many other classes utilizing these wonderful tools. So be sure to check those out in the library. Basically what I'm doing here today is I'm using the speedlight in manual mode, and I've got a radio trigger attached. This little trigger allows me to use the flash away from the camera. The trouble with using a speedlight is that it's a very white light, and the light coming out of here is closer to daylight than most of the lights indoors. In this case, I'm going to use this…
