From the course: Learning Portrait Photography

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Choosing a shooting mode

Choosing a shooting mode

- Controlling focus will help you create the right picture that you want by isolating the attention in your picture, but you also need to choose the right shooting mode so that you can control the brightness and color of the picture as well. Right now I'm shooting in the automatic mode for my camera. This is the most frustrating way to shoot. I recommend that you don't use automatic. Automatic is choosing the aperture and the shutter speed automatically. It may even be choosing the ISO and white balance on its own and these are all things that affect the creativity and finished look of our picture. So I recommend that you not choose the automatic mode. You could use P mode which is Program. It's a good way to shoot if you're just walking around making pictures but it's also automatically choosing the aperture and the shutter speed for your picture and we've already discussed that aperture is a highly creative control so I recommend instead that you use aperture priority mode. If…
