From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Understand selections in Photoshop

Understand selections in Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop

Understand selections in Photoshop

- [Instructor] Let's get to know selections. Selections are important because they allow you to isolate part of a layer so that you can work on that part without disturbing the rest of the image. Selections are particularly important when you have an image with one layer, like a typical JPEG photograph. In this movie, I'd like to show you some common use cases for selections so you know when and why you might use them. And then we'll get into the nitty gritty of how to use them in the rest of this chapter. One common use for selections is to cut something out of an image so you can use it in another image. Let's see how that works. In the Toolbar, I'll select one of the selection tools. There are quite a few selection tools, and it doesn't really matter which one I'm using right now. We'll cover selection tools in a later movie. With this tool selected, the Object Selection Tool, I'll move into the image and I'm going to…
