From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Save to the cloud

Save to the cloud

- [Instructor] For this last movie in the course, we're back on Photoshop's home screen, because I wanted to talk to you about saving some of your files as cloud documents. Here on the home screen, you can see that I have some documents in the cloud. These are all Photoshop files that I've worked on. Let's move into Photoshop by clicking the Photoshop icon at the top-left of the home screen. And here, I have an image that I'd like to save. To do that, I'll go to the File menu and choose Save As, and in the Save As dialogue box, I have the option to save to cloud documents. Now, you won't always have this option, and it may not always be in the same place, that depends on the version of Photoshop that you're using, because this is a feature that's evolving, but the general principles apply. So I'm going to save this document to the cloud, rather than to my local computer. So I'll click Save the cloud documents, and that…
