From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Rearrange layers

Rearrange layers

- [Instructor] One of the advantages of putting individual pieces of content on different layers is that you can then rearrange the order of that content in the image, and that's done in the Layers panel. Here in the Layers panel I'm working in a folder that contains the content of the middle poster. This one. If your middle poster folder isn't open then just click the arrow to the left of it. These folders, or layer groups, are just a way to organize content in a file that has lots of layers. Let's take a closer look at the middle poster in the image. With the Zoom tool, I'll click a couple of times on that poster. And if you look closely, you can see that from front to back there is this orange shape. Behind that, this red bush shape. Behind that, the purple shape. And behind that, a beige canvas. And there are also these orange dots on top of the purple shape. Now take a look at the Layers panel and you'll see…
