From the course: Learning Photoshop

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- [Jan] Hi, this is Jan. I just wanted to thank you personally for completing this course. It's a lot of work and you hung in there and you really have my respect for doing that. I hope this course has given you a good start on your journey to learning Photoshop. By now, you should have at least some of the basics under your belt. If you're not sure about something, please go back and watch movies again. In particular, if you haven't already done the challenges, I'd urge you to go back and take those challenges, because really, the way that you learn is by trying things yourself, and that gives you the perfect opportunity to do that. So what's next for you? Well, in addition to practicing, I can suggest a couple of other courses that might be good for you. First of all, Julieanne Kost's Photoshop Essential Training courses are unmatched and really comprehensive. So if there's something else you want to know about,…
