From the course: Learning Photoshop

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More selection tools

More selection tools - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop

More selection tools

- [Instructor] I don't know about you but I love saving time and not putting out too much effort. And that's why I like the automatic selection tools in Photoshop. I already showed you select subject and the object selection tool which both do a lot of the work for you. Let me show you a couple other tools that do that. One is the quick selection tool that's located in the same place as the Object Selection tool. So press and hold on that tool slot and then select the quick selection tool. I'd like to select all of these women in the foreground, to do that. With this tool, all I have to do is start dragging over them and the tool jumps out ahead of me looking for edges that differ in tone and contrast from one another. If I release my mouse notice that the tool automatically changes to an add to selection icon, I'll make that tool bigger. So you can see that there's a little plus inside of there. So that saves me a step.…
