From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Add layer styles

Add layer styles

- [Instructor] If a layer contains transparent pixels like this type layer does or like this shape layer does, then you can add a drop shadow, an inner shadow, a glow and more to the contents of that layer by applying what's called a layer style. A layer style is made up of one or more effects. To apply a layer style, you first need to select the layer that you want to use. We'll select the ellipse layer, which is that shape layer I just showed you. To open the layer styles dialogue box for that layer, double click on a blank part of the layer. Don't click on the layered thumbnail or the name of the layer, click over here on the blank part of the ellipse layer and that opens this big layer style dialogue box. Over on the left, you'll see a list of all the many styles that you can apply and I urge you to take a look at those on your own. But let me show you how to apply a couple of layer styles. Let's say we wanted a stroke…
