From the course: Learning Photoshop

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Add an image to an open file

Add an image to an open file - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Learning Photoshop

Add an image to an open file

- [Instructor] This chapter is all about combining images and when you combine images, of course you need them to be in the same document in Photoshop. So let me show you how to open an image directly into another document with a command called Place Embedded. The first step is to open the destination image in Photoshop, which I've done, and here we have a photo of a room and I'd like to see what a new piece of art might look like in this room. To bring in a photo of the new piece of art, go to the File menu and choose Place Embedded. Navigate to the photo that you want to bring in. I'll navigate to the exercise file, new_art.jpeg. You can bring in any photo you like. And click Place. At this point, we're in transform mode. You may remember transforming from lessons earlier in this course, and you can tell we're in transform mode because there are handles at the corners and the sides of the new piece of art that…
