From the course: Learning Kubernetes

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The Kubernetes control plane

The Kubernetes control plane - Kubernetes Tutorial

From the course: Learning Kubernetes

The Kubernetes control plane

- Now, I want to take some time to go over the Kubernetes control plane. To start, let's learn some important vocabulary. An instance of Kubernetes is called a cluster, and each cluster has a control plane and at least one worker node. If Kubernetes is like an airport, the control plane is like the air traffic control tower with people overlooking the cluster and making sure nodes and pods are created, modified, and deleted without any issues. The control plane is made up of several components, and if you know the function of each one, you'll better understand how Kubernetes works. The first and most important control plane component is the Kube API Server. The API server exposes the Kubernetes API. Each Kubernetes object like pods, deployments, and the horizontal pod autoscaler have an API endpoint. The Kubernetes API has a REST interface and kubectl and kubeadm are the command line tools that let us communicate with the…
