From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

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Additional resources for Jira learning

Additional resources for Jira learning - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning Jira (Cloud Edition)

Additional resources for Jira learning

Congrats on completing the course. You performed many of the tasks expected of a new user and are well on your way towards a strong foundation. You should now be able to determine which type of Jira you have and how it's used. Navigate to the most used areas. Work with Jira projects and issues by creating, editing, searching, and transitioning. Create custom views like filters, dashboards, and boards and change user preferences. You have homework. But good news, it will only take five minutes. First, learn your Jira URL and bookmark it in your browser. If you don't know the URL, ask your Jira administrator or company help desk. I like to add a Jira link to my browser's bookmarks bar like in the screenshot. Second, log in to Jira and click on the user avatar icon at the top right. Update your avatar image and any desired personal settings. Third, think of one thing you need to complete today and create a Jira issue for it. Don't worry if the issue isn't created perfectly, it's easy to…
