From the course: Learning Java 11

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Using built-in functions in Java

Using built-in functions in Java - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Using built-in functions in Java

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we've been creating our functions from scratch. We've defined various functions, added parameters, added return types, and then called them in our main function. These functions are called user-defined functions because we, as users of Java and software developers, are creating them. We are defining the finite steps, naming the function appropriately, and then calling it in our code. There are many functions that developers want to use, but not necessarily define themselves and as a courtesy, the creators of Java have defined some of them for us. We just have to call the function by the name that's already defined. We don't have to define it. One function that we've been using a lot that's built-in is println. We never defined system.out.println, but we can call it because it's a built-in function to Java. Back at the beginning of the course, we talked about operations on data types,…
