From the course: Learning Java 11

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Primitive data types

Primitive data types - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Primitive data types

- [Narrator] In computer science, data is information that is stored or processed by a computer. While that might seem fairly abstract, there are many data points we use in everyday life. Your name, your age, the number of apples in your pantry, whether your kitchen light is on or off. These can all be considered pieces of data, and we represent pieces of data in code using data types. Similar to other programming languages, Java classifies different pieces of data with data types based on their value. For example, there's a data type for letters and symbols, and there are various data types for numbers. Ultimately, a data type provides a set of possible values, and if a piece of data is one of these values, it is classified as that specific type. Java separates its data types into two main categories that are then broken down further into more distinct data types. One of the categories is called primitive data types which…
