From the course: Learning Java 11

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Debugging with an IDE

Debugging with an IDE - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Debugging with an IDE

[Narrator] - Adding print statements for debugging and removing them later on can get a little annoying, but there is another way that we can debug our programs. At the beginning of the course, we installed an IDE to compile and run our Java programs, but there is another benefit to using an IDE. An IDE comes built in with some debugging tools that we can use to find and solve errors in our programs. We solved one already, when our variable name was misspelled and a message popped up, saying the symbol cannot be found. Now it's time to dig a little deeper. Another tool that an IDE gives is a breakpoint. A breakpoint is an intentional stopping point put into a program for debugging purposes. This allows to temporarily halt a program in it's execution in order to inspect the program's internal state. The parts of a program's internal state, include the values of variables, the result of certain lines of code, and whether or…
