From the course: Learning Java 11

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Classes in Java

Classes in Java - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Classes in Java

- [Narrator] In this chapter, we will continue to talk about program design and about how we can make our programs readable to other software developers. As you enter the workforce, there are often several software developers working on the same program, so it's essential to write code in a way that's easy to read and understand. A lot of times, I'll forget about code that I've written six months ago. And if it's written in a way where it's hard to understand, I have to take a significant amount of time to understand it before I can add functionality to it. We want to prevent that. One way to make our program easier to read and understand is with classes. We've seen classes a little bit before because all of our code so far has been contained within the main class. But now we are going to dive a little deeper. Everything we see, hear and experience in everyday life can be represented in code. We've represented the…
