From the course: Learning iZotope Ozone
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Exporting your mastered project - Ozone Tutorial
From the course: Learning iZotope Ozone
Exporting your mastered project
- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to show you how to export your projects from Ozone before we move on to covering techniques for mastering specific genres or audio applications in the next chapter. So, I'm going to go up to our file menu, and I'm going to go to export audio files. Here we have this dialog box, and we can either choose to export the current track, or all tracks, and if you were working on an album, this can be a huge time saver. You have options to add things like track numbers. You can append text to add certain text, like I know certain engineers that will put V one, V two after their projects before they send to a client, just so they can keep track of version numbers. So, that's what this is for. We can also choose our export format, like wav, aff, mp3, and remember when we choose mp3 we've already been able to preview with our codec preview of what our mp3's will sound like at different compression rates, and then we can choose the path. In this case, I'm…