From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Presenting a wireframe

Presenting a wireframe

- It's time to present your wireframe to all stakeholders. Now make sure you do this in one meeting with everybody together as a group. If you present to one stakeholder at a time, you're going to find yourself pulled into many opposing directions. By presenting and discussing as a group, it will encourage a collaborative process while also keeping the conversation productive. When one stakeholder has a louder voice than others, which is inevitable if you talk to each person individually, tunnel vision is likely to set in and derail the entire project. Trust me, it happens all the time. Once you have all of your stakeholders together, walk them through each visual decision in detail and explain the methods to your (indistinct). Explain why you chose the illustration style and icon styles that you did. Why you planned to use the fonts that you're using, and why you planned to use the colors and how. Walk them through the…
