From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Customizing your data viz

Customizing your data viz

- [Instructor] Once you've established your color treatment and created some patterns for subconscious processing, the next step will be to get all of your data visualizations into place. Now, if you used placeholder images for data viz, throughout your wireframe, you're going to need to start by developing all of your data visualizations. To do this, use the graphing tool located near the bottom of your toolbar. For those of you who may not have experience using this tool, let me walk you through the creation of one donut chart to show how it works. First, choose the pie chart option in the dropdown menu. You will see that your mouse turns into something akin to cross hairs and a scope indicating that you're now using the graphing tool of choice. Next, click and drag until you have a box roughly the size that's the same as the size of the pie chart that you want to create. You'll see a box with a table in it,…
