From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Custom illustration is key

Custom illustration is key

- Now that you have all of your data viz and topography fully designed, it's time to bring everything together with custom illustrations that further the narrative. This will be your most time-intensive task in the entire process of infographic design. Especially if you want to take advantage of the power of Visual Hooks, like the assembly line visual metaphor that we're using in this design. Now, if you aren't an illustrator, I highly recommend that you partner with a great illustrator to handle this part of the job. Well yes, you can purchase a stock vector illustration pack to work with. It won't be easy to find the exact illustrations that you need to accurately visualize the topic at hand. Trying to find stock vector assets that represent each of these unique elements, as well as a custom illustration would, for example, would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. In addition, while it's been said before it…
