From the course: Learning Infographic Design

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Bad infographics

Bad infographics

- To truly understand what makes a great infographic, it's often best to start with a bad infographic. And the example in front of you is on numerous top 10 lists of the worst infographic ever created. Now, if you've seen me present before, you've likely seen this example before. I like to always start out by critiquing my own work before I critique the work of others. In fact, this was the very first infographic I ever designed before I knew what I was doing. And while it's nearly 11 years old, what surprises me most about this infographic is that it's not unlike most infographics that you'll see online today. You see, there are thousands of infographics released online every single day, but the majority of them fail. This is because 94% of first impressions of content today are based entirely on the design of that content. If the design feels cheap, disjointed, cluttered, or whatever other negative terms you would like to…
