From the course: Learning GitLab

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Using the GitLab basic editor

Using the GitLab basic editor - GitLab Tutorial

From the course: Learning GitLab

Using the GitLab basic editor

- [Instructor] From the main project page, you should see a list of files. Right now, it's just the README file. GitLab shows this file in the main page of your repository, and it also shows the rendered version of the file, that's because this is written in markdown. The rendered version is a little bit different than the source code. This is one of the nice features of GitLab is that it renders the markdown. So that means that we have real links we can use here. These check boxes don't work. But we at least have a good looking visual of our rendered markdown. We can click into the file, and here it will still show us a rendered view of the markdown, but there is a toggle here that says display source. If we click on that, this is what the actual markdown source code looks like. And if we wanted to, we could copy the file contents here by clicking on copy file contents. We could also open this raw file. Let me do…
