From the course: Learning GitHub

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What is GitHub?

What is GitHub?

- [Instructor] Now that we have defined a Git, let's talk about GitHub. In a nutshell, we can say that GitHub is online services, where the developers can work together. Basically, GitHub is a big storage service in the cloud, where the developers, first of all, can upload their code and share it with other developers, or other users in general. Essentially, GitHub is a collaborative platform for developers. It's not only useful for the developers themselves. For example, on GitHub it's possible to manage the project with tasks, issues, and Kanban Dashboard. It means that not only the developers get benefits from GitHub. But also the people around such as product managers. First of all, to use all of these features you need an account on the GitHub platform. If you just have an account you can skip to the next section. Otherwise, let's create a new account on GitHub. Navigate to and click on the top…
