From the course: Learning GitHub

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What are GitHub Actions?

What are GitHub Actions?

From the course: Learning GitHub

What are GitHub Actions?

- Automate everything is one of the keys for a successful product, service, or a software in general. GitHub action makes it happen. With GitHub Action, you can easily automate all the workflow that you need to work with source code, build, test, deploy, and much more. And with much more I mean, you can also automate some steps of the code reviews, branch management, issue management, and a lot of other processes. From a code perspective, GitHub action supports more or less, all the languages. .NET, Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP, Rust, Go, and remember, all of them. During the workflow process, you can see the realtime logs with colors and emoji. So it's very easy to understand what are happening in all the phases. Last but not least, from a security perspective you can use your own secret in GitHub Actions. It means you don't have to store credentials or keys in the workflow, but in your private account. The good news is…
