From the course: Learning GitHub

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The first issue

The first issue

- [Instructor] Now that we have created a GitHub account and installed Git on our computers, let's use them in a real world. Let's begin with creating a new repository on the website. Navigate to the homepage of GitHub at address Log it in if you are not logged in into the platform, and then click on the New button on the top left corner of the page. Choose the name for the new repository and check the Add a readme file option. So, we can use the name LearningGitHub001, and of course, you can choose your own name for the repository and then add a readme file, and then we can click on Create repository button. After a couple of seconds, you'll be redirected to the home of the new repository, and to start to work on a repository, it's a good best practice to create one issue with the description of the activity and assign it to another user. In this case, you can click on the Issue tab of the repository. In…
