From the course: Learning GitHub

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Set up Git locally

Set up Git locally

- [Instructor] Git is a software that runs on your local machine to track any change made to the files in your project. Installing Git on your machine is very similar to many other software installation. We start with Windows, but the process for Mac and Linux is very similar. First of all, navigate with your favorite browser to the main website of Git, which is Here you can find a lot of information about Git, such as documentation, books related to the topic and the community section to interact with other people who are using this source control system. On the right, you can find the latest version of Git Installation. By default, the website selected the right installer for your operating system, but you can change it with the button below the screen image. Click on the button, Download For Windows, and after a while, the installation starts automatically. Follow the instruction inside the installer, in…
