From the course: Learning GitHub

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Install the GitHub command-line interface

Install the GitHub command-line interface

From the course: Learning GitHub

Install the GitHub command-line interface

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we have seen how to work with the code source offset on GitHub with the console application and with the desktop application. Both ways are very good and you can have a good productivity with these tools. By the way, there is another way to interact with GitHub. The GitHub CLI, or the GitHub Common Line Interface. This is one of the last tools that GitHub released in the last years. Compare it with the other tools, you can use GitHub Select to follow the entire GitHub workflow as on the website. It means with this tool you can create a new repository, work with issues, pull requests, releases, and much more. Let's see how to install the tool and start to work with it. The URL to download GitHub CLI is very easy to remember and it is https As a cross-platform tool, the website choose for you the right version for your operating system as always. If you are on Windows…
