From the course: Learning GitHub

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Create the first GitHub Actions

Create the first GitHub Actions

From the course: Learning GitHub

Create the first GitHub Actions

- [Instructor] Now it's starting to work with the first GitHub action. In the previous chapter, we talked about the theory behind this GitHub feature. Now, we will create the first GitHub action to interact with users and issues on a repository. Let's open our repository for testing or your next successful open source project on GitHub. As you can see, many times before, we have a tab called Action on the top of the repository page. Click on it, and then click on New Workflow. From here, you can choose if you want to start a GitHub action from scratch or from a template. We start with an easiest one in this video, scroll down the page a little bit, and search for Greetings under the category automation. This workflow template is written directly from GitHub team. It helps you and your repository to be gentler with the new team member or user on GitHub. Basically, it greets the user that interacts with the repository for…
