From the course: Learning GitHub

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Create a pull request

Create a pull request

- [Instructor] If you remember from the previous videos, we are using the GitHub flow and this mythology to work with Git includes the pull request, but we are able to work with the pull request directly from GitHub desktop application, absolutely, yes. In the last video of this section we made some changes in the repository and now we have to synchronize everything with the robot branch. Now, for instance, I can go here, Update README, it's a good comment, I can comment everything to the branch, feature001 and then I can push origin so I can upload everything to our new branch. And now we want to propose our changes to the rest of the team to match all the code in the main branch, in order to do that, we can now click on the blue button, Create Pull Request directly from the GitHub desktop application. After clicking, the application opens the de-foldable browser in the pull request creation page with the right…
