From the course: Learning Git and GitHub

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What is Git?

What is Git?

- [Instructor] Let's take a minute to examine what Git is. Now Git is what's called a version control or source control system. In essence, it lets you manage changes you've made to files over time. With Git, you're basically a historian with a time machine. You're in charge of documenting the history of your project with the added benefit of being able to jump back and forth through time. But unlike normal historians, you have the ability to rewrite history. Now you can save checkpoints, which are called commits and leave messages about what happened at each of these different checkpoints. The best part is another feature called branching that lets you create alternate versions of your code. It's like being able to create alternate realities of your project. A branch is a copy of your project that you can work on with or without changing the original. You can then synchronize branches, which is called merging, or go back…
