From the course: Learning Git and GitHub

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Understanding GitHub flow

Understanding GitHub flow

- [Instructor] GitHub flow sometimes called GitFlow is a branch-based workflow that is popular when using the combination of Git with a tool like GitHub. Using GitHub Flow your main branch has the current copy of the code which has never changed directly. In order to modify the code, you start by checking out a copy of the main branch. This is sometimes called a feature branch, in order to make changes and allow others to work on and collaborate on changes. To work on features, you pull the feature branch into your working environment and then make changes which are then committed and push back to the feature branch. Ideally, each commit constitutes an isolated and complete change. You continue to commit and push changes until you're ready to ask for feedback, or merge the changes into the main branch. A pull request is a process for moving code from your feature branch back onto the main branch. When you're ready to move…
